secundum quid การใช้
- :One of Aristotle's 13 fallacies is generally known by the latin term " Secundum quid et simpliciter " which covers fallacious inference from properties of particulars to properties about more general groups : it can cover certain kinds of implication by association.
- The informal fallacy of "'accident "'( also called "'destroying the exception "'or " "'a dicto simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid " "') is a deductively valid but unsound argument occurring in statistical syllogisms ( an argument based on a generalization ) when an exception to a rule of thumb is ignored.
- The fallacy of "'converse accident "'( also called "'reverse accident "', "'destroying the exception "', or " "'a dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter " "') is an informal fallacy that can occur in a statistical syllogism when an exception to a generalization is wrongly excluded, and the generalization wrongly called for as applying to all cases.